Support the Temple and Adhere to the Guidelines
- Please maintain silence at all times and refrain from interrupting any temple activities – Speak in soft voices when needed
- Please take consent from front desk prior to assisting in any temple duties/ activities
- Puja services will begin at 9:00 am after the Ganapathi Homam
- The first archana for the day is at 10:00 am, and the last archana is at 8:00 pm.
- If the weather is too cold or doesn’t allow for car pujas, priests will only perform the Key Puja for $31.00
- The last time slot for Vahana Puja is 7:30 pm
- Please do NOT break coconuts in temple parking lot
- No services will be available during Maha Mangala Arati times
- Put trash into proper bins, and keep temple premises clean (after all car pujas please dispose of lemons)
- Keep bathrooms dry and clean
- No food wastage. Please take back what is not distributed and take only what is needed.
- Please watch your kids. No running or playing.
- All Private Puja Bookings requests must be made online prior to discussing with the priests
- Please consider that time of the priest, consultations availability maybe limited during special events and scheduled pujas
- Please place your footwear properly in the shoe rack. Do not leave shoes outside or near the entrance.
- Please adhere to appropriate dress code at all times.
- No shorts for men and boys. You will be asked to wear a dhoti on top to cover your shorts.
- No short skirts for women and girls.
- No specific restriction for kids.
- No caps or hats allowed
- Cooked prasadam that adheres to the guidelines (vegetarian, no onions or garlic) may be accepted as offerings.
- All offerings including puja dravyas, garlands, flowers, and prasadam which is not provided by the temple are charged $11 fee
- Please return Aarti & Bhajan/Shloka Books back to the shelf after use
- Do not post or write anything on the main notice boards. This is for the Temple Use Only.
- Please do not eat or distribute food in the main temple area
- Please avoid using cell phones inside the temple
- Temple will NOT accept any old used pictures/idols/posters brought to the temple for disposition
- Distribution of flyers or pamphlets of other outside organizations is strictly prohibited
- Selling and distributing printed materials, books, collecting donations and dues, and soliciting phone numbers/email addresses that are unrelated to the temple is strictly prohibited inside the temple grounds
- The temple venue shall not be used to conduct business, publicity, and/or outside organizational meetings
- All temple events will take precedence over all other activities at all times
- The temple reserves the right to change/modify/revise these guidelines with or without prior notice
- Temple premises can be used by its devotees for religious purposes only and requires prior approval of the board. It should not conflict with any existing or future temple activities. A separate set of guidelines for private use of temple premises should be followed. You may bring pictures/idols/posters to the temple for use during such sessions and must be removed from the temple on conclusion of the event
Political Campaign Policy
Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501©(3) organizations that includes Sri Ganesha Temple are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.