Welcome to Sri Ganesha Temple Plano Vidya Vihar

The SGT Vidya Vihar welcomes children from preschool through high school. We offer these classes for children from any background to join and learn prayers, bhajans, and religious stories that correspond with the different festivals taking place at the temple.

What to Expect?

Students will have the opportunity to perform at temple events on special occasions, and an annual event will be held at the end of each school year. Students begin classes on Vijayadasami Day every year (usually around October) and end the last week of May, allowing for 1 academic year to be a total of 8 months. Small class sizes and dedicated volunteers teaching spiritual and cultural values to children enable them to receive individualized attention.

Further instructions on class registration will be emailed to parents. Upon registration, all class schedules and guidelines will be shared with the students and parents.

Classes require a minimum age of 5 years, except for Veda Mantram classes, which require a minimum age of 10 years.

Vidya Vihar Registration will close on September 25, 2024

Registration requires one time payment $160 (Non-refundable)

The next academic year will commence on October 12, 2024.